What is ClixSense?
ClixSense is a unique opportunity for you to earn extra money for FREE! You get paid to view other members advertisements. You get paid for each full ad you view.

Earnings: All clicks are one cent or more. You get 10 cents for each referral. You earn 10% of the revenues collected from your referrals.
Premium members will get paid up to FIVE LEVELS deep for referrals who upgrade their accounts to Premium accounts!
Non-premium members will get paid when their direct referral upgrades to a Premium account.
First there is yourself on your own level. You are guaranteed payment for each advertisement you click on and view for just 30 seconds.
Level one - You referred 5 new free members = 50 cents. Now 3 of them upgrade which earns you another $6.00. Total so far is $6.50 plus your paid to click ads.
Level two - Each of your referrals refer 5 free members of which three each upgrade to Premium accounts. Your total now is $15.50!! ($6.50 for level one, and $9 for level two.)
Level three - These members perform same as the above levels and only refer an easy 3 upgrades each. Now your total earnings is $42.50!! ($27 for level three, and $15.50 for levels above.)
Level four - These members perform same as the above levels and only refer an easy 3 upgrades each. Now your total earnings is $123.50!! ($81 for level four, and $42.50 for levels above.)
Level five - These members perform same as the above levels and only refer an easy 3 upgrades each. Now your total earnings is $366.50!! ($243.00 for level five, and $123.50 for levels above.)
Imagine what happens if you refer more than three members or even just three members per month! You get paid again when your referral renews their annual Premium membership!
Free members (Non-Premium members) will receive 10 cents for each referral and will receive $2 if their direct referral upgrades to a Premium account. You will also to receive 10% of revenues generated from your referrals ad purchases.
How to earn: Log into their site for the ads, You should check as often as you can as new ads will be added from time to time.
Payment: Pays via check monthly. $10 minimum payout.
I have received monthly payments: $12.50, $32.56, $19.77
Upgrade (optional): $10 for a whole year. Upgraded members will receive more clicks. When I upgraded, the number of available clicks, for that day, went from 4 to 194 immediately. I've heard that it can be almost 500 if you are a US resident. After that, the number of clicks is about 10 to 20 a day depending on how often you check. In addition,you get paid up up to five levels deep.
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